Rubio/Trump 2016 & PRETENDED LEGISLATION - OnlineOnTheAir.Com


DRAFT IN PROGRESS – Expected completion: July 13, 2015

For years, I’ve advised readers of the possible nullification of Obama Administration Executive Orders and actions.  The key is a term the framers of the Declaration of Independence used to extract themselves from the illegalities of King George III:  Pretended Legislation.

This short video below from Michael Peroutka, founder of the Institute of the Constitution explains it best.

The seeds of lawlessness in the UNITED STATES of America were planted long ago.  This author believes that the past 50-75 years of UNITED STATES of America Federal Government actions should be put under the microscope of pretended legislation.

Yet, this article is focused on the more recent years, when, some would say, the seedlings grew into a monstrous, treasonous forest.

Consider that for the first time in US American history, millions of dollars were spent to hide, lock and seal a Presidential candidates past… and money is still spent today to ensure the truth of Obama’s past never reaches the light of day.

How about the Obama birth certificate?  It’s no secret that the PDF posted online by the White House – pretending to be Obama’s birth certificate – is fraudulent.

It’s well-known that billionaire George Soros – and other billionaires – hold dangerous and treacherous influence over most media in the UNITED STATES of America.

These Anti-American media empires re-shape how you think and you see the world around us.

This explains why an Administration ill-bent on division, race-baiting, Marxism, Communism, Socialism, terrorism and Israel-bashing has taken hold of the highest offices in our great ‘land of the free – home of the brave’.

Today, the Marxists, Socialists and Communists no longer hide, they operate in plain site.  And why shouldn’t they?  After all, they have taken the White House, most mainstream media, Hollywood, the US Department of Communism Common Core Education and have enthroned known, unrepentant domestic terrorists into the halls of higher learning.

Can anyone say Hitler Youth?

Now before someone writes an email or posts a comment stating the differences between Marxism, Communism and Socialism, know this… All three are practiced in the UNITED STATES of America today and all three are Anti-American.

All three are also illegal in the USA, based upon the known truths of our Constitution, Declaration of Independence and our Bill of Rights (including freedom of religion, not freedom from religion).

This Administration has purposely, with billionaire-sponsored media, accentuated division in the USA.  From Occupy Wallstreet – a Soros-sponsored movement for which you can be sure – to Ferguson to class warfare and now… on the edge of genitalia wars in attempt to enthrone one of the least qualified and most NOT trusted persons ever for POTUS, second only to Barack Hussein Obama.

Why Obama’s original birth certificate remains buried under legal hurdles is yet to be explained by the George Soros billionaire media empires, by Valerie Jarrett or by Barack Hussein Obama. My guess is it lists his father as Muslim. The possibility still exists it lists him born in Africa, as some African’s claim.

USA, Donald Trump & PRETENDED LEGISLATIONOne thing is for certain. Donald Trump put $5,000,000 (5 million dollars) on the table for ANYONE who would produce the original birth certificate. That cool five mill remains in Trump’s pocket for NOBODY – not even the White House or BHO himself – produced the original.

Billionaire-sponsored media went into overdrive to make Trump into the court jester, yet Trump ain’t no joke. He just can’t be bought by secret society billionaires and he does not subscribe to the Soros media empire. On the contrary, Trump is the target of The Empire.


The Empire is threatened by Donald Trump’s reckless use of truth.  Truth is a feared weapon by those in The Empire, especially in the hands of people who just don’t give a care about the shawdow governerments — people such as Donald Trump.

That is why The Empire attempts to take control of the Internet, and guns, and the environment and why social media owner guru’s hinder Conservative blogs, posts and commentaries.

Meanwhile, as Trump speaks, legal citizens and legal immigrants of the UNITED STATES of America release a collective victory shout as – finally – someone speaks FOR the UNITED STATES of America instead of against her. Thank you, Mr. Trump!

We have grown tired of the Anti-American puppet POTUS speaking against us, plotting against us and we’re exhausted by his reckless smugness, false pride, squatting and pretended legislation.

When all is said and done, Obama is going down as the worst president ever!  And those are not my words. They are the words of inner-city Chicago citizens sick of the lawlessness and false grandeur produced by Soros and the Chicago Marxist/Socialist/Communist machine that transplanted from Bill Ayers living room to the Spite House White House and beyond.

This administration will go down, because lawlessness can not and will not ever stand the test of time. History proves this time and again.

…I think my Aspie-rant is over.

So you ask, Steven, where is the positive in all this?  Glad you asked.  My dream ticket for election 2016 is Marco Rubio and Donald Trump.  Rubio can translate Trump’s business-sense into appropriate Congress-speak and Trump can keep Rubio honest once inside the beast.

The question remains though, will The Donald have the humility to be Vice President or hold a cabinet position, etc?

Mr. Trump, the question is in your hands and in your heart… but remember the One who hold’s the King’s heart in his hand.

What do you say, Mr. Trump?  If you do not become the nominee, are you willing to be Vice President or hold another position?

We need you, Mr. Trump.  But you need a bridge-builder like Marco Rubio.

The USA needs Marco Rubio.  This son of Cuban immigrants carries a vision to move the UNITED STATES of America into a healthier direction, into a more UNITED STATES of America.  But I mean what I say… Mr. Trump and Mr. Rubio — you both need each other.

What do you say?

I say, “Long live the UNITED STATES of America” and let’s get moving on undoing Obama’s and Supreme Court’s pretended legislation.

Your thoughts?

Steven Joseph

See related commentary
Obama’s Birth Certificate and PRETENDED LEGISLATION
Supreme Court rulings are PRETENDED LEGISLATION. Here’s why…

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Closing Art


LAWLESSNESS: Who’s pulling the government strings?

LAWLESSNESS: Who’s pulling the government strings?

MicLogo-2015-01-.-Size-75.pngDivide and conquer is the new rule of law. Fundamental transformation is the goal.

The current Administration – in plain sight – is anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-religious freedom and discernibly, pro-Islamic terror.  It disdains the ideals of private and corporate success while loathing all that the UNITED STATES of America represents to each other and to the world.

Divide and conquer is the new rule of law. Fundamental transformation is the goal.

The Obama Administration is achieving its goals – with the help of billionaire-sponsored anti-American news media – by fanning the flames of division rather than seeking the higher road of unity.

LAWLESSNESS: Who’s pulling the government strings?Governing in the best interest of unity would have promoted a more UNITED STATES of America.  Rules for Radicals require disunity to achieve its goals.

With billionaire-sponsored media cooperation, the Administration is re-pitting blacks against whites, straights against gays, men against women, lower class against the middle-class and the middle class against the 1%.

Ironically Obama and Hillary, as best as this author understands, are in the 1% – or close to the 1 %, they pretend to disdain.

Speaking of pretending, see how weak and feeble the legislation the anti-American Obama Administration is by Googling the words: Pretended Legislation.

OnlineOnTheAir.ComExpect the past seven years to be rectified as our nation understands and embraces the legalities of Pretended Legislation and our rights as legal UNITED STATES of America citizens to undo this two-term misstep in USA history.

OnlineOnTheAir.Com Music/Politics/Life
Original post July 1, 2015, reposted July 6, 2015

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Closing Art

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